
Wednesday 21 March 2018

Role play!

Role play!
IALT : be telling my readers what kind of role play we did and what is for?.
Image result for Role playYesterday in the middle block we get to finish our role play for the Talent show this week in Thursday. Anyways the role play that we have to do is about our house groups but this time we have to pick an house group and we have to stay on that. Our house group is Benghazi and we have did a DLO about our role play. We also nearly finish performing it and we have to hurry because how the talent show is in Thursday this week actually. We our Talent show because how it's for our camping session. Here is the script for our role play.

Benghazi Roleplay

Edith: Narrator
Lydia: Narrator

Soldiers: Lydia, Edith, Angel, Akih, Briana
People: Akih, Angel, Briana,
Props: Empty jars, Guns,

Lydia: Kia Ora everyone! Today we will be sharing with you a roleplay
Edith: Based on the history of Benghazi! Hope yous enjoy!
Lydia: The people (people walk out)
Edith: The soldiers (soldiers walk out)

Enemy soldiers: Fine, Teresa, Coralee, Carra

Lydia: In 1941 188 people who lived in Benghazi had died from the US soldiers.
(Akih, Angel, Briana pack.)
Briana - Okay let's go away before we die by the WW2 (People run away)
Enemy soldiers shoot the people
People die and Quickly change into Benghazi soldiers
Edith - One year later in 1942 Soldiers were being transported on the Nino Bixio talking and that is when the Nino Bixio was attacked by the US.

Akih: We’re under attack

Angel: Prepare your guns

Akih: Let’s go on an shelter

Fine: Get ready to fire them all

Briana: We need to get more help

FIne: We’re ready to fight

Briana: Everyone get your weapons ready

Akih : Okay , I am ready to fire.

Teresa: get ready to fire.

Briana: (Everyone started to fight and kill each other) while the war is continuing.  
Coralee: Help!! ,Help!. I need HELP!!. (Teresa and Carra runs over quickly to Coralee)
Teresa: Quickly get out of the fire.

Coralee: Thanks for saving me.

Teresa: you're most welcome.

Carra: Faster! help all our soldiers (Running , Running).

Akih : We have help them all now what are we gonna do.

Carra: follow me, I know the way, just follow me!!

Akih: ok I will follow you.

Carra: there’s another enemy soldiers that coming towards us

(Angel Comes a long and then she pretends that’s nothing happened , and she would know that some soldiers are still alive. )

Briana: come along and she said what happen to the building? there is heaps of fire everywhere.  

(Then everyone comes together and fights) (Grabs there weapons)
(Fights for a minute)

Lydia: In the end everybody sadly died.
Edith: Now they are buried in Southern greece
Lydia: Benghazi was refounded in the middle ages
Edith: And is now a road in Panmure and a place in Libya

Everybody: Thank you for watching our play about the history of Benghazi.

Image result for Role playSo as you can see in our role play we had make spaces for each line. For this we have created this easy because how we have to also made our Benghazi history facts and we can just look at it while we are making our role play and some groups didn't finished their's because maybe they are talking and not doing work.
Many thanks!

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