
Tuesday 20 February 2018

SSR Reading!

SSR Reading!
IALT : tell my readers about the ssr.
Image result for Wimpy kid book
Image result for SSR reading in schoolToday when the bell ring for lunch time we get read a book and the book I have read is the wimpy kid because how that's the only book I have picked in the library but if we go to the library again I will be picking Tom gates and maybe goosebumps. I don't really have all the books about wimpy kid because how only found 2 books I only find in the library I think my classmates took some and yeah.

I picked 2 wimpy kid book and I really love reading because how some pictures are drawing and it's like a diary but cooler. Lots of my classmates picked that wimpy kid because how it's cool and fun. In my wimpy kid book I am in the chapter ... I don't know. I like the booked that I pick because how it's fun to read and it's awesome , and perfect.
Image result for Wimpy kid book
 For me the book is fun and many people like it. SSR is the session that I really like because how I can read my book and it's just fun. I found challenging in the SSR is try to not get angry because how when the teacher tell us to clean and put your books away , and I still wanna read. I didn't found challenging was reading the book and having fun.
Many thanks!

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