
Monday 3 July 2017

What am I grateful?

What I am Grateful for ?
Walt : I am learning to know more about what I am grateful for?
Image result for Music
S - I chose music because music can make you happy and there's different types of music tonts. Their is rap , rock , loud , slow and peace. Music are addicted to instruments. The popular music instrument that i like is , piano , violin , guitar , saxophone , crimes and trumpet.
E - I am grateful for Music because it can help you of something and also it can make you feel safe .
E - Music can help you inspired of your work and it can also relax your brain. Also it can help you to calm down if you're angry and stress.
Image result for Family
S - family is your first best friend and family helps you of everything , and that’s why i chose family. Your dad/mum , great grandfather/great grandmother , uncle , aunt , siblings/cousin and grandfather/grandmother is your family. Family is the best in your life but if you don’t love your family that’s really sad for you.
E - I am grateful for my family because they make me happy and they give me food , and they do everything for me.
E - My family help my homework in philippines and even their stress they still help me.  
S - Learning is good for us so we can be smart. There's different types of subject for learning , science , spelling ,  maths , reading and writing. Our brain needs more learning so we can learn.
E - I am grateful for learning because it can help me to be smart of everything and also it can make me learn.
E - Learning can help me to learn more subject or more stuff that i don’t know.
Image result for Friends
S - Friends can help you of everything but sometimes friend can fight. Friend can make happy and feel you safe. Sometimes someone pretend to be your friend so they can ruin you like and make feel sad. That happened to me a lot at my country but my best friend help me and stand up for me.
E - I am grateful for my friends because they help me stand for me and they encourage me.
E - Friends help of everything and they even help me of what i am stuck on . That’s why i like to go to school because of my friends
Kingdom - hall
S - Kingdom hall is the 2 best of your life because it help you to meditate. Church help to know more about god. There's different types of religion like Jehovah witness , Christian , catholic and other religion.
E - I am grateful for kingdom hall because kingdom hall helps me to know or learn more about god.
E - Kingdom hall can help me to be close more of god and can help to learn about bible.

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